November 2020 – Month in review and roundup

Another lockdown but this time it’s different. Instead of everyone staying inside, they all seem to be outside, queuing for coffee. Well, at least where I live. November has blown by and the rush to Christmas has well and truly begun!
Related – Check out the previous month’s roundup for October 2020. Alternatively, you can find all other roundups here.
New articles
Summary of the articles released on in November 2020.
Keto Mooli Chips – Daikon Radish Low Carb Recipe
October 2020 – Month in review and roundup
Keto Advent Calendars – Best low carb options
Ultimate Iceland Lockdown Keto Shopping List
1,000 consecutive keto days logged in MyFitnessPal
Keto Roasted Radishes Recipe – Perfect potato substitute
Updated articles
From time to time, articles are updated to include new product recommendations and the latest information.
Keto Bread – Top low carb bread options (Buy or make)
Best places to get coconut flour in the UK
Keto coffee – Beanies flavour coffee products review
Best places to get almond flour in the UK
Keto Dalgona coffee recipe – Low carb and sugar-free
The best keto sugar free jelly in the UK
Month in review
November came and went reasonably quickly. However, that could be because I’ve been in lockdown, so the days blurred into one., only separated by walks, running and the occasional shop.
Most of the month was spent looking for a new job and I was fortunate enough to get an offer towards the end of it. Hopefully, I’ll be starting sometime in December but I don’t like to confirm it until I’m in the office (or in this case WFH).
Working from home is great, but it can get a bit boring and I find it blurs the line between work and home, which can impact your mental health. Note to self: Always remember to take breaks and stop answering those emails after the workday has finished!
Exercise this month has not been great. Working out at home got a bit tiresome and with other things to do, it took a back seat. Still, I managed 3 workouts a week with a few runs to keep the old cardio up!
About midway through the month, I finally switched from shorts to joggers for running. The days are certainly shorter and colder, which meant I changed my schedule to run at lunchtime. It’s certainly busier and dodging slippery leaves on the floor is a skill in itself!
All in all, I only managed a few 5km+ runs, most were around 3-4km but they were a quicker pace. Even a couple of 5:30min/km thrown in there for good measure.
Trying to get an online delivery at the beginning of November was like winning the lottery! It just wasn’t going to happen. Eventually, I ran out of tuna and peanut butter so had to pop into the supermarket. As before, people had started panic buying for no good reason but after the first weeks, stock levels returned to normal.
Food & Drink

Looking back, I think I drank a litre of coffee (made in a Cafetière) every weekday morning. Is that too much? All I know is I enjoyed it and it seems to keep everything regular (if you know what I mean).
No need to buy any coffee this month, I’m still drinking my way through the 1kg bag of Lavazza Crema E Aroma that I bought last month.

As I mentioned in last month’s roundup, I had to buy a new coffee grinder and after a bit of research, I picked the Duronic CG250.
Well, after a month of almost daily use, I can say that it’s excellent! The ease of use and especially cleaning with the removable bowl has been life-changing! Well, maybe I’m over exaggerating, but I could never go back to a fixed grinder.
Yorkshire puddings

With Christmas around the corner, I’ve been looking at upping my keto roast dinner game. Of course, a roast wouldn’t be complete without a Yorkshire pudding (or two). Turns out that you can make them with arrowroot powder and of course I’ve been trying to perfect them. Stay tuned, a new recipe post is coming soon!
Black Friday and Keto
Looking for a deal? Then black Friday probably isn’t the right time. It feels like most retailers just up their prices in the lead up to the event and then mark them down to normal price and call it a sale!
Admittedly, I did pick up some peanut butter, vitamin D3 pills and some other little bits from stores like Myprotein and myvitamins respectively.
With November out of the way, it’s time to focus on Christmas! However, it’s hard to plan anything, as we don’t know what or where we can go due to the pandemic. Stay safe and enjoy your keto advent calendars!
How’s your month gone? Let me know in the comments or shoot me a message here!