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keto vegan meat alternatives

Best Keto Vegan Meat Alternatives

Keto and Vegan are probably not the two lifestyles you would put together but they can intersect! Obviously, one of the big parts of keto is protein, which is often derived from meat products. Luckily, there are a few great keto vegan meat alternatives. Perfect for when you have vegan friends over or if you…

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keto sweet and sour chicken recipe

Keto Sweet and Sour Chicken Recipe – Low carb

Fancy some Chinese food while on keto but aren't sure where to begin? Worry no longer! Check out our keto sweet and sour chicken recipe that is low in carbs but high in taste!One of the nation's favourite Chinese dishes is sweet and sour chicken. The actual sauce is ridiculously easy to make, as…
keto red cabbage steaks recipe

Keto Roasted Balsamic Red Cabbage Steaks Recipe

Looking for a keto-friendly low carb side dish or a vegetarian dinner? Then look no further than this keto balsamic roasted red cabbage steaks recipe. Perfect as a side dish for two and not to mention that it looks good, so why not impress your dinner guests with this recipe?What keto ingredients are needed?…
keto Yorkshire pudding recipe

Keto Yorkshire Pudding Recipe – Easy low carb mix

Yorkshire puddings are just flour, eggs and milk, right? Well, yes, but that doesn't mean we can't make them keto-friendly! Check out our keto Yorkshire pudding recipe that contains only 3.4g of carbs per serving.All you will need are some easy to obtain ingredients, a whisk, measuring jug, and a pudding/muffin tray or…
ultimate keto Christmas dinner

Ultimate keto Christmas roast dinner with sides

So you're keto and it's nearing the festive season. You've got two options, either take a break and enjoy a carb heavy day or try your hand at making the ultimate keto Christmas roast dinner!Traditional Christmas roast dinnerIt's cold outside and after a morning of opening presents and counting how many Lynx Africa…
keto roasted radish - low carb potatoes

Keto Roasted Radishes Recipe – Perfect potato substitute

Who doesn't like some lovely crispy roast potatoes with their Sunday lunch? Well, if you're following a keto lifestyle then you'll know the pain of missing them. But, worry no more! Enter our keto roasted radishes recipe, the perfect roast potato substitute and best of all only 1.9g of carbs per 100g!Are radishes keto?…
keto mooli fries

Keto Mooli Chips – Daikon Radish Low Carb Recipe

Do you miss fries/chips on the keto diet? Well, not anymore! You need to try this Keto Mooli chips recipe. Mooli, also known as Daikon Radish, is a low carb vegetable with only 2.1g of carbs per 100g! Making it perfect for keto and is a great potato replacement.What is Mooli?Mooli is a…
keto cooking oils

Best keto cooking oils to use and avoid

The best keto cooking oil is one that can withstand high temperatures (smoking point), is versatile, and full of healthy fats. There are quite a few oils that fulfil these criteria (and some that don't), so let's take a closer look at the best keto cooking oils.What is an oil smoke point?It's basically…
keto frankfurters

Keto Frankfurters – More of the best low carb sausages

Sausages for breakfast, lunch or dinner, they can be had any time of the day and contain a great mixture of fat and protein, perfect for keto. But not all sausages are created equal, some contain added fillers that are full of carbs like grains, rusk and breadcrumbs. Luckily, we've gone out and found that…
keto sausages

Best low carb keto sausages in UK stores

The humble sausage comes in many forms and varieties but many contain "hidden" carbs due to extra filler ingredients. These can include grains, rusk and breadcrumbs which can make sausages unsuitable for keto. Let's take a look at some of the lowest carb sausages you can buy in UK supermarkets.Types of sausagesThere are…