Keto Tomatoes – Puree, passata & tinned tomatoes

So maybe you want to make some keto bolognese but don’t know what the lowest carb option is for the tomato base? Look no further, check out our guide on the best low carb keto tomatoes and the different ways they are sold in UK stores.
Are tomatoes keto?
Simple answer: Yes!
A 100g serving of tomatoes contains roughly 3-4g of carbs. So if you stick to your macros (commonly under 20g of carbs per day), you can enjoy them regularly. And yes they are technically a fruit! Why not check out our guide on other keto-friendly fruits here.
Different prepared tomato varieties

Tomatoes are sold in a variety of formats from on the vine to in a can. Each one has a use and the carb count can vary between them. Let’s take a look at some of the most commonly prepared tomato methods, along with what carb count you should aim for.
Canned chopped tomatoes
As the name suggests, it’s just tomatoes that are picked at their ripest, chopped and then canned in their own juice. However, be careful! Many manufacturers tend to add preservatives as well as extra flavourings like sugar and other carb-laden ingredients. You’ll need to check the nutrition label to see if they added anything.
Ideal carb count: 3.0g per 100g
Uses: Add a chunky texture, perfect for sauces, curries and casseroles.
KTC Chopped Tomatoes

Available at: Amazon, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and most other UK stores
Size: 400g
Average Price per 100g: £0.10
Carbs per 100g: 3.0g
Tarantella Organic Chopped Tomatoes

Available at: Amazon, Asda and most other UK stores
Size: 400g
Average Price per 100g: £0.21
Carbs per 100g: 3.2g
Napolina Chopped Tomatoes

Available at: Amazon, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and most other UK stores
Size: 400g
Average Price per 100g: £0.25
Carbs per 100g: 3.6g
Store branded versions – Remember to check out the own brand versions as some can often be low in carbs and price!
Multipack offers – most tins are sold individually as well as in packs ranging from 4-24 per pack. It can often be cheaper to buy in bulk so why not take a look!
Canned plum tomatoes
The other popular canned variety is the plum tomato. Plum tomatoes are known for being fleshier than their round cousins (used in chopped tomatoes) and have less watery seeds. Similar to chopped tomatoes, the carb count should be the same so long as no extra ingredients have been added (besides from citric acid).
Ideal carb count: 3.0g per 100g
Uses: Thick sauces, just mash up the tomatoes with a fork. Great on a fried egg!
KTC Plum Tomatoes

Available at: Amazon, Asda, Sainsbury’s and most other UK stores
Size: 400g
Average Price per 100g: £0.10
Carbs per 100g: 3.0g
Tarantella Organic Plum Peeled Tomatoes

Available at: Amazon, Asda and most other UK stores
Size: 400g
Average Price per 100g: £0.21
Carbs per 100g: 3.2g
Napolina Peeled Plum Tomatoes

Available at: Amazon, Asda, Sainsbury’s and most other UK stores
Size: 400g
Average Price per 100g: £0.25
Carbs per 100g: 3.4g
Store branded versions – Remember to check out the own brand versions as some can often be low in carbs and price!
Multipack offers – most tins are sold individually as well as in packs ranging from 4-24 per pack. It can often be cheaper to buy in bulk so why not take a look!
Commonly sold in glass jars and paper cartons. Passata is just puréed tomatoes that have been sieved to remove any bits. It has a very smooth consistency and is a perfect base for many sauces. If a recipe calls for strained crushed tomatoes then this can be used instead as it’s the same thing.
Ideal carb count: 3-4.5g per 100g
Uses: Smooth texture, perfect for sauces, pizza bases and curries.
Napolina Soffritto Passata

Available at: Amazon, Asda and most other UK stores
Size: 430g
Average Price per 100g: £0.31
Carbs per 100g: 3.9g
Other: Rustica variety also available.
Tomato purée
Often sold in tubes and at varying strength, it is also often called paste or concentrate. It is the thickest of all them and should be used sparingly, as a little goes a long way! Many contain a mixture of sun-ripened tomatoes, olive oil, herbs and spices. The carb count varies wildly among brands so always check the label.
Ideal carb count: <18.0g per 100g
Uses: Enriching and thickening sauces and most dishes.
Tarantella Organic Double Concentrate Tomato Puree

Available at: Amazon, Asda and most other UK stores
Size: 210g
Average Price per 100g: £0.62
Carbs per 100g: 14.5g
Napolina Tomato Puree

Available at: Amazon, Asda and most other UK stores
Size: 200g
Average Price per 100g: £0.50
Carbs per 100g: 15.6g
Gia Sundried Tomato Puree

Available at: Amazon, Sainsbury’s and most other UK stores
Size: 70g
Average Price per 100g: £1.00
Carbs per 100g: 16.0g
Other tomato varieties
Of course, there are many other ways that tomatoes can be prepared, some are OK on keto but many contain added sugar. The most popular one that springs to mind is, of course, tomato ketchup. Luckily there are actually some brands that do little to zero sugar varieties. Check out our guide here for the best low carb ketchups.
Tomatoes in most forms are safe for keto so long as you limit your intake and avoid any extra added hidden ingredients like sugar. Remember to always check the nutrition label! And while you’re at it check out the store own branded versions as they are often cheaper and some contain no extra ingredients. Aldi and Lidl are pretty good for that.