Keto Frankfurters – More of the best low carb sausages

Sausages for breakfast, lunch or dinner, they can be had any time of the day and contain a great mixture of fat and protein, perfect for keto. But not all sausages are created equal, some contain added fillers that are full of carbs like grains, rusk and breadcrumbs. Luckily, we’ve gone out and found that lowest carb keto frankfurters (and other sausages) that you can buy in the UK.
Related – Looking for more traditional UK sausages? Check out our article on the best low carb sausages, including Cumberland, Lincolnshire and many more.
In this article, we’re going to look at Frankfurters and other sausages such as the Bockwurst. You can find these sold throughout the UK and come in a variety of forms from canned to fresh. They all have differing carb counts but many frankfurters are great for keto.
What are Frankfurters

A frankfurter is a thin parboiled sausage usually made of pork and has a unique taste. This is acquired by using a method of low-temperature smoking. You do not cook the sausage in the traditional sense, instead, it is only heated in water which prevents the skin from bursting.
As the name suggests it comes from Frankfurt, Germany, though outside Germany the name is used a common designation for boiled sausages.
Many brands now also make Frankfurters from other animals including chicken. These are usually lower in calories as there is less fat. Additionally, they are normally also keto-friendly so are great if you’re looking to restrict your calorie intake.
Product Recommendations
Fresh / Chilled
Frankfurters can be found in the chilled aisles of most UK supermarkets. The biggest brand by far is Herta and they sell both pork and chicken versions which are reasonably low in carbs.
Herta Frankfurter

Available at: Asda, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and most other UK stores
Carbs per 100g: 2.0g
Herta Chicken Frankfurter

Available at: Asda, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and most other UK stores
Carbs per 100g: 1.5g
Tinned / Jarred / Vacuum-packed
You can also find Frankfurters in the tinned meat aisle in many stores. They can come stored in tin or glass and even vacuum-packed. Their shelf life is greatly increased compared to their fresh counterparts and are great to keep in the cupboard as an emergency dinner. Of course, once opened they need to be consumed within a few days.
Wikinger Bockwurst Style Hot Dogs in Brine

Available at: Amazon, Asda, Iceland, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and most other UK stores
Carbs per 100g: 1.0g
Note: Available in range of sizes and quantities.
Brooklyn Dino’s Famous Big Dogs

Available at: Amazon, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and most other UK stores
Carbs per 100g: 0.7g
Frankfurters and other similar sausages are great for keto and can be eaten with any meal.
As always, read the nutrition label as many of the cheaper brands are full of fillers which are high in carbohydrates. Typically, you want to look for sausages that are less than 2g of carbs per 100g.
It’s also worth looking in the world food aisles as many polish sausages are low in carbs and are often a good price. You could even check out your local pound store as jarred sausages are usually available in the food aisle.