Can you work out the carb count of these keto products?

New to keto or been on it for a while? Why not test your keto knowledge and see if you can figure out the correct carb for these products.
Remember, always read the question carefully!
Let’s begin!

#1. How many carbs in a slice of this bread? ? Carbzone Low Carb Protein Bread

#2. How many carbs per 100g for this granola? ? Macadamia & Coconut Keto Granola

#3. How many carbs per crunchy keto bar? ? Good Good Crunchy Keto Bar

#4. How many carbs per pack of pork puffs? ? THE CURATORS Pork Puffs

#5. How many carbs per 100g of tortilla? ? CarbZone Low Carb Tortillas

#6. How many carbs per serving of beef biltong? ? THE CURATORS British Beef Biltong

#7. How many carbs per 50g serving of peanut butter? ? Meridian Organic Smooth Peanut Butter

#8. How many carbs per 100g of Strawberry jam? ? Good Good Jam with Stevia

#9. How many carbs per ketone bar? ? Ketosource Ketone Bar
Remember to subtract the polyols from the carbohydrate count to get the total new carbs.

#10. How many carbs per 100g of Erythritol? ? NKD Powdered Erythritol
It’s all polyols, so no digestible carbohydrates!
Congratulations! You know your nutrition labels and are in a great place to become a keto master.
Almost there but some work to do!
Remember that here in the UK, fibre is not included in the total carb count so it shouldn’t be subtracted.
The main thing you need to be aware of is to subtract any polyols from total carbs (if included under the carb section).
Products in the quiz
- CarbZone Low Carb Protein Bread
- Macadamia & Coconut Keto Granola
- Good Good Crunchy Keto Bar
- CarbZone Low Carb Tortillas
- THE CURATORS British Beef Biltong
- Meridian Organic 100 Percent Smooth Peanut Butter
- Good Good Jam with Stevia
- Ketosource Ketone Bar
- Powdered Erythritol by NKD Living
Disclaimer – This post contains affiliate links, meaning, I recommend products or services I’ve used or know well and may receive a commission if you purchase them too (at no additional cost to you).